93 Degrees Coffee Roasters
93 House Blend - Medium Dark Roast, Flavour Notes: Chocolate, Almond, and Cocoa Butter
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House Pour-Over Coffee - Medium Roast, Flavour Notes: Green Apple Raspberry Cherry, and Peach
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Banoffee Coffee - Medium Roast, Flavour Notes: Mild Cocoa Sugarcane & Caramel
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Cold Brew Blend Coffee - Medium Dark Roast, Flavour Notes: Blueberry, Brown Sugar and Black Cherry
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Citrus Upside Down Coffee - Medium Light Roast, Flavour Notes: Mandarin, Peach, Mild Toffee
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Mimosa - Medium Light Roast, Flavor Notes - Orange, Assorted Nuts and Mild Nutmeg
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Indian Filter Coffee - Medium Dark Roast, Flavour Notes: Dark Chocolate and Mild Cinnamon
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Gianduja Coffee - Medium Dark Roast, Flavour Note: Hazelnut, Dark Chocolate and Maple Syrup
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