Transistors are semiconductor devices which is used to amplify small signals coming from a sensor or a circuit and other systems to be recorded and registered by the controller you are using or any data logger to register your signals which generally are too small to be read by it. It is an active component and it can also be used in switching circuits to turn on or off the intended devices. It has 3 terminals namely Base(B), Collector(C), Emitter(E) for connections with other components in the circuit. Some transistors also contain fourth terminal named Substrate(S). The S9014 Transistor is a low signal and low noise NPN transistor with a good hFE (current gain) value of upto 1000 of high linearity this makes this transistor an ideal choice for designing Audio Frequency (AF) amplifiers or pre-amplifiers. It also has good collector dissipation (power dissipation) of 0.4W to driver speakers of decent rating. It has low collector current of 100mA hence refrain from using it with switching and driving circuit.
S9014 Transistor Specification
- Low Noise NPN Transistor
- Current Gain (hFE), 60 to 1000 (good linearity)
- Continuous Collector current (IC): 100mA
- Collector-Emitter voltage (VCEO): 45 V
- Collector-Base voltage (VCB0): 50V
- Emitter Base Voltage (VBE0): 5V
- Transition Frequency 150MHz
- Available in To-92 Package
Product Description
Package Contents
1× S9012 Bipolar NPN Transistor