PIC ICD2 - PIC kit 3 and PIC kit 2 Programming Burner Adapter

PIC ICD2 - PIC kit 3 and PIC kit 2 Programming Burner Adapter

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The PicKit 2 is a USB PIC programmer tool that can utilize Windows Platform with MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to program or debug PIC Microcontrollers that support In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP). Meaning the PIC can be programmed with only 2-wires (2-pins) PGD and PGC excluding the power pins. It's great for beginners who wish to program or flash their PIC Microcontrollers which supports ICSP or for any firmware update. ICSP ensures that the microcontroller can be programmed without removing it from the circuit. This makes the debugging of the circuit easier and more convenient.

PicKit2 can program a wide variety of PIC microcontrollers and others including the popular PIC16F877A and the PIC18F4520. You can also check out the Pickit3 if you need more debugging options.



  • Easy to use
  • USB connectivity
  • The target circuit can be powered from PICkit 2 itself
  • Supports In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
  • Compatible with MPLAB IDE.
  • Support both 5V and 3V boards.


Kit Contents:

  • PIC ICSP Universal Adapter


Product Description:

If a microcontroller support ICSP then look into their pinouts for Vpp, Vss, Vdd, ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK pins. The pin number will vary from package to package. Once you find the pins connect them to PicKit and program your controller. Always make sure both the Controller and PicKit are power during this operation with an appropriate voltage.

Pickit2 contents


Comparison between PicKit2 and PicKit3

The Pickit 2 is the predecessor of PicKit 3. Both do almost the same job, but Pickit 3 has some additional options and supports for the latest versions of PIC. Also debugging will be a bit faster than Pickit 2.


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