The MJE3055T is an NPN Transistor that is commonly used in general-purpose switching and audio amplifier circuits. The IC is a TO220 package replacement for the popular 2N3055 Audio Amplifier Transistors. MJE3055 NPN Transistor also has a high collector current and hence can be used in high power switching circuits also. Commonly applications include, audio amplifier and pre-amplifiers, solenoid or relay control and medium power switching circuits. It also has an equivalent PNP transistor called MJE2955T.
The transistor also has a low control voltage of only 5V and hence can be easily used along with microcontrollers operating on 5V like Arduino or PIC.
Specifications of MJE3055:
- Collector-Emitter Voltage(max): 60V
- Base-Emitter Voltage(max): 5V
- Collector Current(max): 10A
- DC Current gain: 100
- Bandwidth: 2MHz
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